Staying Calm in Chaos: Freedom from Feeling Life is a Dumpster Fire thumbnail

Staying Calm in Chaos: Freedom from Feeling Life is a Dumpster Fire

 Buy Now   But then I took it one step further. Even though my mom had introduced my brother and me to meditation when I was 10 years old, I never…

Calm your anxiety in 2 minutes! thumbnail

Calm your anxiety in 2 minutes!

Here’s a great little trick for calming your body and mind in a matter of minutes. It’s so simple, yet so effective. Take 5 breathing helps you slow down, deepen…

How to Overcome Anxiety With Cognitive Reappraisal thumbnail

How to Overcome Anxiety With Cognitive Reappraisal

Have you ever had your emotions hijacked by a stressful event and wished you handled it differently? Cognitive reappraisal may be the answer to help you overcome anxiety associated with…