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Taking care of your mental health is important, and if you recognize these signs, you may have high functioning depression. Even though this condition is often associated with persistent depressive disorder, it doesn’t always look the way you think it should. While some people have a hard time getting out of bed, others can go about their normal daily routine.

High functioning depressives appear happy and accomplished. But on the inside, they struggle with constant worry, and feeling sad and inadequate. Since HFD is atypical, it can be surprising to find out that these are actually symptoms of depression.

Please note: the purpose of this video is to provide you with a better understanding of what you may be experiencing – if you recognize these symptoms. This list cannot diagnose you with high functioning depression – only a trained medical professional can do that.

#Depression #Psuchology #Brainydose

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What Are the Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety?

depression anxiety|depression anxiety

What Are the Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety?

People with depression and anxiety may show symptoms that are similar but differ from each other. For example, a person who has depression is typically slow-moving and quiet while a person who suffers from anxiety is highly agitated and unable to focus. The latter group also struggles to control racing thoughts and worries about the future. These people may make predictions based on their current feelings without any objective basis. Listed below are some of the common symptoms of depression and anxiety and some of the treatments available.

Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition characterized by excessive and persistent worry. This anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping or muscle tension. A person with this disorder may also experience fatigue and irritability, as well as concentration difficulties. Another symptom of this condition is an intense fear of public places, a condition known as agoraphobia. People who experience this anxiety disorder may find themselves unable to interact with others, leading them to avoid social situations altogether.

Those with this condition may have symptoms that are distinct from those with depression, including restlessness and negative changes in thinking. An individual may also experience difficulty concentrating, difficulty remembering things, and may even engage in aggressive behaviors. Some people with depression and anxiety may be more vulnerable to suicide and require more intensive treatment. If these symptoms are present, it’s important to see a mental health professional immediately. It is important not to try to treat a disorder without a proper diagnosis.

Although there is no clear cause for an elevated anxiety/depression score, there are some factors that may increase resilience in people with this disorder. Positive environmental factors, such as secure bonding, supportive learning experiences, and a social support network, may reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Furthermore, learning about your condition and its treatments is essential. You must also stick to a treatment regimen. Stopping medication abruptly can cause unpleasant side effects and increase anxiety symptoms.

A drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is often prescribed for anxiety and depression. However, the use of these drugs for treatment of depression and anxiety should be undertaken with caution. These medications can have side effects and may interfere with other medications. Patients should continue to take them for at least 12 months to ensure the most benefit. It’s important to note that antidepressants have significant side effects and may increase the risk of suicide.

Using a treatment plan that focuses on stress management is essential in helping an individual cope with the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Journaling and meditation are great ways to relax and sleep better. Cognitive behavioral therapy may teach a patient how to redirect their thoughts. It is also possible to find a therapist who specializes in treating anxiety disorders. You may be surprised to learn that a psychiatrist is a good option for treatment. This doctor has the knowledge to help you cope with your anxiety and depression.

Psychodynamic therapy has been used for many years, but has less evidence supporting its effectiveness. This therapy aims to explore the unconscious thoughts and feelings that may contribute to the problem. Parents are routinely involved in psychodynamic therapy and may help teach their child effective coping skills and support their child’s therapeutic process. Toxicology tests may also be used to detect drug or substance use or changes in mental status. These tests can help diagnose anxiety and depression in children.

Developing a daily routine is important for tackling anxiety and depression. Creating a structure to your day and ensuring you get enough sleep will help to alleviate the symptoms. Getting at least 2.5 hours of sleep each day can also reduce the symptoms of both. Try to sleep at a set time each day. Avoid checking email or social media too close to bedtime, and turn off any electronic devices an hour or two before bedtime. A soothing ritual before bed can help you to relax before bed, and may even provide a temporary distraction.

Modern antidepressants are often the first treatment options for depression anxiety. Some of these drugs include escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), duloxetine, and venlafaxine (Effexor). Some are also less common and may have unwanted side effects. Ultimately, the treatment depends on what is right for you. Once you have found the right therapy for your depression anxiety, you will be able to make decisions in a healthy manner and feel better.

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