What is ADHD and What You Can Do About It
Getting a clear understanding of what is ADHD can help you decide if you need to take action. The first step is to seek medical advice. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects many children. It may affect your child’s social skills, learning, and performance in school. It can also lead to conflicts with others
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
Having an attention deficit disorder (ADHD) can be a difficult and frustrating experience for you and your family. Although many adults with ADHD continue to experience challenges, there are several treatments available that can help you improve your symptoms and lead a happier, healthier life. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way your
What is ADHD in Children?
Getting a diagnosis of ADHD in children can be challenging, but with the right diagnosis and treatments, you can help your child live a full, happy life. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person’s focus, organization, and self-control. It is caused by changes in two different attentional networks of the brain. It can
The Misunderstood, Mistaken Symptoms of ADHD in Girls
Symptoms are too often ignored and misdiagnosed in girls, especially when those girls demonstrate inattentive symptoms such as forgetfulness and daydreaming. This means too many girls are growing up misunderstood,…
ADHD Symptoms & Treatments : Testing for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
When testing for adult ADD, a professional needs to get a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of behaviors that mimic problems associated with attention. Find out why a complete history is…
ADHD Symptoms in Boys vs Girls
So, ADHD symptoms in boys and girls can actually be different! while both can display all of the symptoms involved with ADHD its more common for each gender to show…
When ADHD symptoms aren’t ADHD by NB Medical
Sign up for a course today: />#ObstructiveSleepApnoea is a common condition where the walls of the throat relax and narrow during sleep, interrupting normal breathing. In this video, Zoe discusses…
ADHD in Children: Signs,symptoms and treatment 4/4 | Doctoridam Kelungal | News7 Tamil
ADHD in Children: Signs,symptoms and treatment 4/4 | Doctoridam Kelungal | News7 Tamil Subscribe : l Facebook: lTwitter: lWebsite: v News 7 Tamil Television, part of Alliance Broadcasting Private Limited,…